Surface Restoration

Lightly oxidized gel coat - surfaces are washed and cleaned in preparation for polishing the surface. A premium wax is applied to seal the gel coat, leaving it protected from future oxidation.

Moderately oxidized gel coat - will usually require a two step process. The first step is buffing with a polishing compound to remove the oxidized surface and restore the gloss. Then a premium wax is applied, sealing the gel coat and protecting the surface from further oxidation.

Heavily oxidized gel coat - requires a three step process. First we go over the boat with a cutting compound designed to remove the oxidization and then we buff using a polishing compound to remove swirls and restore the gloss. When choosing the cutting or polishing compound, we start with the least abrasive material needed to get the job done. The final step is the application of a premium wax to seal and protect the gel coat surface. 


paul-polish-2.jpg Polishing-reflectionjpg.jpg

 New boat polishing                     Reflection


 Polishing at the dock



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